Creating is my calling!

Behind Rev

Hello, Becky here!

I’m glad you found me and so encouraged that there are like-minded women who are looking to change the world with the creativity and ideas that God has placed inside of them!

Let’s start with this truth… We are more than what we do, we are the expression of God’s creativity, purpose and light to the world! We each were designed, unique, hand-crafted by God himself! We are created and called according to His goodness and to reflect Him!

Now to share a little back story…. I have always LOVED designing! I grew up on the beach, surfing, sunbathing, and staying till the sun went down and there was always something about that BIG sky that would always speak to me.

Growing up I would sneak into my parents room and grab my dads latest surf magazine. I would shuffle through the pages and re-draw every logo design that caught my eye. This of course turned into a love for art in general and was the spark that carried me into a career that I now love!

Fast forward, 30 years later, with an amazing husband and 3 kiddos and 1 fur pup of my own, I found myself searching for significance… YES… even now and in my work! This search caused me to PRESS PAUSE and go back to my foundation - my identity in Christ and discover the brilliance He has placed inside of me!

The word “fine”... I'm fine. Everything is FINE!

In the searching God brought to light (in a very loving way, might I add) my go-to excuse… “Fine”. Have you ever been there? You have seen the gold inside of you, but you just can’t quite “get there”? Or you know you have talents and they are misdirected or people have spoken words over you that caused you to second guess everything you had inside? So… you settled for “fine”?

This was my "Ah-Ha" moment...

With the help of HS (Holy Spirit), amazing mentors and women of faith, I uncovered the roots of my identity! AND GIRL - she was READY to come ALIVE! I was done with walking around half myself… IT”S JUST NO WAY TO LIVE!

As a creative, empathetic and passionate woman I needed to uncover my foundation and source and let God lead me into a greater understanding of who I was and what I was created for! NOW HERE I AM! Showing up as ALL-ME and serving as a mom, wife, business owner and creative out of a place of true identity. This re-pouring of my foundation became the catalyst for a re-branding of Rev Creative! So, if your new around here, hello and welcome! If you are a past client, let me show you around my NEW home!

Xo, Becky

Identity comes from within, defined by your Creator — I’m here to help you activate it!

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Where ever you are in your Brand Build - Rev Creative is here to help you every step of the way!